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4 boys | Perth Children Photographer

4 boys | Perth Children Photographer

What do you get when you cross 4 boys  all under the age of 4 from 3 different families? Chaos at their photo shoot!! Hee hee don’t worry I did ask if I can say this on their post 🙂 Well that is what happened! But look at the beautiful images that we created all because we persevered and we stayed calm ! Two brothers and their two first cousins with one visiting from Sydney at the time. It was a fabulous opportunity to capture the 4 of them all together before flying home again 🙂 No doubt when they all meet in the one spot again the parents will reminisce and compare how much they have all changed and grown.

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  • JoJo - August 30, 2011 - 1:33 PM

    Hey Hels,

    that photo of that little blonde boy is U N R E A L!! the reflection of the light in his eyes and the seriousness of his little face! amazing! love it!! all the photos are nice, very happy photos!

  • Helen - August 30, 2011 - 5:38 PM

    Thanks JoJo! I love that image too of the little boy with the big blue eyes! Love his wispy blonde hair too 🙂 We will capture some beautiful images of your girls too in a couple of weeks xxx

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