Toast Masters | Perth Baby Photographer

Public speaking ……eeeeek!!! Ever tried it?

I joined Toast Masters last year and have been slowly taking baby steps to get up and speak in front of people. Each fortnight session there are different roles you can take on to ease yourself into becoming confident at public speaking. My very first speech role I took on was the ‘Show and Tell’. Perfect!! I can speak about my business while having a few products on display! How hard could that be??? Gulp!! Ok ok let me be honest …. I did write my speech out and read it word for word with what I thought was good tone and enthusiasm given I was a bit nervous. I made it out the other end still standing ahhhhh!! I can do this!!

I was quite impressed with my speech so I wanted to share it with you. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think 🙂

Here it is – Don’t forget to read it with enthusiasm and tone like I would have 🙂  Enjoy!


Tonight, I decided to make Show and Tell about my business ‘Laughing Feather’ to give me the opportunity to practice speaking in front of an audience and to become more confident in articulating my business into words.

Laughing Feather – Portrait Art that Tickles your Heart, specialises in photographing Newborns, pregnancies and children.

Consider this! – If photography did not exist, how accurate would your memory recall and visualize an event that occurred 1, 2, 5 or even 10 or more years ago? Even if you had an amazing memory, how would you share that memory with your family and friends?  Verbally describe it to them and leave it to their imagination? Practice your artistic skills and draw what you visualise?

 The final weeks of a 9 month pregnancy is all but a distant memory once you are holding your baby in your arms. Your baby’s silky smooth skin, tiny fingers and teensy toes vanish, growing rapidly into a child in what feels like the blink of an eye. And all far too soon your child is now an adult ready to continue with your ever-evolving family tree.

 A memory will not prove that yes, you were once that small. And you will have no evidence to show that yes, your bottom really was that tiny and cute!

 Today’s world has become a disposable society. We don’t give a second thought to spending $2000 or more on a TV whose technology will possibly be redundant in 2 or 3 years.  We prefer to decorate our walls with ‘artwork’ that is bulk manufactured that has no real emotional connection to your family and then tire of it and replace them time and time again.

 A professionally photographed portrait is an investment that will far outlast any of today’s disposable products. They are personalised unique pieces of art where your child is the star, hanging as a feature piece on the family wall demanding the attention they deserve for many years to come.

 It is art that will be enjoyed today but tomorrow it’s an absolute treasure.

 Captured creatively, with the right technical skills and knowledge of light, a portrait will be visually stimulating and uplifting, conjuring up a memory of emotions, like the smell of a newborn and how fragile and dependent on you they once were, or your child’s innocent but inquisitive eyes staring up at you and the quirky things that used to give your child that genuine beautiful smile.

 It has been said never work with children or animals ….. pleeeease!! Patience is the key!!

 Patience waiting for a newborn to enter a deep peaceful sleep.

Patience to find what ignites a child’s smile.

Patience to find that beautiful light that will illuminate, shape and accentuate the physical features that you so adore.

That is what Laughing Feather can give and why I’m sure you agree that a photo really is worth more than the piece of paper or medium it is printed on!

 In closing, Laughing Feather aims to provide a personalised photographic portrait service of Pregnancies, Newborns and Children in a fun, relaxed environment. Creating unique custom designed portraits of your new and growing family with creative flare. Translating your family into treasured portraits that speak more than words can say.


A big thanks for your time if you read the speech to the end!

If you know of someone who would love the to read please forward it to them. Cheers!



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