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Little One Kids 2012 | Perth Family Photographer

Little One Kids 2012 | Perth Family Photographer

Have you bought your copy of this years edition of Little One Kids?? A fabulous magazine packed full of inspiring ideas from decorating  your child’s room to planning their birthday party and kids fashion. It is the sister publication to Little One Baby.

I had the opportunity to photograph for the magazine again this year and meet the very lovely Karina, Sam and their kids who live in Bunbury, Western Australia. You can find their images on pages 139 -146 on the Little One Kids Magazine. The individual pages are also shown below.

We spent a fun morning together first for some family pics at the beach before heading back to the house to capture the kids groovy bedrooms.

I won’t write more as you can read all about the family when you grab your copy of the magazine 🙂 Let’s just say I had fun and the kids had fun and I am sure Karina and Sam enjoyed themselves too!

If your child has a funky bedroom and you would like to capture them enjoying their space give me a call and let’s have some fun too 🙂

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