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Pricing and Product Guide

Pricing and Product Guide

Prices and Products

Session Fees

Newborns – $400 includes $200 credit towards your product order (includes immediate family)

Include a Pregnancy Session for – $350 includes a 1 hour session plus digital files

Children and Family – $350 includes $200 credit towards your product order

All Session Fees Include:

  • A personalised service tailored for your family
  •   An in depth phone consultation to discuss your requirements and session planning
  • Creative photographic time and expertise (up to 4 hours for Newborn sessions)
  • Time and travel expenses to photograph at a location of your choice**
  • 20 – 30 photographs ready to view
  • A home design consultation and ordering session
  •  Order MUST be placed and deposit paid at the home ordering session
  • A personal online gallery available for 7 days after the home ordering session to share with family and friends
  • Personal product delivery by myself where feasible

**A small additional fee applies for clients outside a 30km radius of the Sorrento suburb**

*Newborn and Children/Family Session fees DO NOT include digital files*

The session fee is required at the time of booking to secure your session and day. This fee is non-refundable but transferable to another day. A 5 day notice must be given to transfer to another day. Sick children and unforeseen circumstances are taken into consideration.

Digital File Packages start at $800. A package can also be tailored for your requirements

           Prints and Products from the A La Carte Menu

  • All Gift Prints up to 8×12″ $60
  •  Canvas and Acrylic Art Pieces start at $300
  • Traditional Custom Framing starts at $380

**Prices are subject to change but are locked in at the time of payment that secures your portrait session day**

**Please note the Copyright remains with Laughing Feather**

Your family is precious and worth investing in, therefore it is important for us to discuss your portrait requirements to start the process together on the same page.

Contact is via mobile on 0409 987 810 or via the ‘Contact Me’ in the menu bar above

A detailed description of the products available will be emailed after a phone consultation.

Helping you achieve Portrait Art That Will Tickle Your Heart!

Helen Mackay

Laughing Feather 2015

Call to book your Portrait Session now
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  • Tanya Dickoson - September 18, 2013 - 8:00 PM

    Hi Helen,
    I did email you from facebook but I have just got on your website and seen your price list. The one question I do have and probably what I am most interested in is how much would a digital copy of the photo’s cost?

    Kind regards,

  • Helen - September 18, 2013 - 8:23 PM

    Hi Tanya,

    I just replied via email before I saw this message. Check your junk mail just incase the spam filters get it 🙂

    Chat soon


  • Courtney - January 23, 2014 - 11:48 AM

    Hi, My name is Courtney and I was hoping to enquire further about your newborn shoots. I just want a couple of great shots rather than a heap of images. How much would it be to buy images digitally on top of the session fee and what is included in the ‘All Gift Prints’ for $60?
    Thanks so much,

  • Helen - January 24, 2014 - 11:11 AM

    Hi Courtney,

    Thank you for getting in touch! I have just sent a personal email but it has bounced back. Could you please confirm your correct email


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