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Twins and a Big Brother | Perth Newborn and Children Photographer

Twins and a Big Brother | Perth Newborn and Children Photographer

A 2 year old brother with endless energy and brand new twin baby sisters! And believe it or not – super calm, relaxed and very lovely parents! It was very much a pleasure to have met and photographed for this beautiful family 🙂 Of course photographing twins calls for more more patience and a bit more time needed to capture their portraits and big brother took it all in his stride even though the attention was diverted from him but he excelled in the family portrait giving me absolutely fabulous cheeky smiles that it made it quite hard to choose a favourite!

Notice the work bench? Handmade by his Father! How cool! I am sure every little boy would love one of these and I bet they would sell like hotcakes! I saw this bench at the first photo shoot when capturing the twins and just had to come back again to photograph Master 2 playing with his bench full of all the tools you could have, even down to the lunchbox sitting underneath plus the safety helmet. I was super excited capturing these images that we even photographed in the bedroom reading books and also a splash of painting on the easel. Love it! So many cheeky smiles and so much fun!

Some of these images now take pride on the walls for the family to enjoy for many years. A constant reminder of how fast they are growing plus the fun that was had that day. In a few years we’ll capture the twins in a fun environment to join Master 2’s work bench portrait on the wall. Hmmm I wonder what the Father will build for the twins?? A dollhouse, A kitchen ………….???

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